Architectural Theft (An investigation into the illegal trade in Irish architectural artefacts)
Badgered to Death (Catching the badger baiters at work)
Bird Bandits (The thieves who prey on Birds of Prey)
Child Pornography (Trapping the Child Pornographers)
Cot Death Poisonings (The Killer Mattress Theory)
Cot Death Poisonings II (Unintentional poisoning of babies by heavy metals)
Deadly Medicine (The victims of Genetic engineering)
Dirty Fighting (Illegal practices in Spanish bullfighting)
Doing Time (13 half hour documentaries inside a Young Offenders Prison)
Don’t Shoot the Pilot (After a crash it is easier to blame the pilot than the plane)
Fraud (A multi-million regional grant rip-off)
From Rugs to Riches (An investigation into the rip-offs involving Oriental carpets)
Getting Away with Murder (How two cousins got away with 6 murders)
Kevin’s Mum (Investigation of the Hillsborough disaster)
Kidnap (Brainwashing in The London Church of Christ – Cult)
Looks can Kill (The Cowboy Cosmetic Surgeons)
Raiders of the Lost Art (The theft of Greek and Roman artefacts in Turkey)
Stalking the Stalker (Catching the Stalker stalking his victims)
Ten Pence in the Panda (How WWF money is being used to kill to conserve)
Terror in the Skies (An investigation into Air Safety)
The Artful Dodgers (Art Thieves caught in the act)
The Elephant Man (Ivory poaching in Africa – who really makes the money)
The Missing Rafael (The search for the missing Rafael that bought the freedom of a whole family in a deal with Nicolae Ceaușescu, President of the Socialist Republic of Romania)
Young Offenders (A further 6 half hour documentaries inside a Young Offenders Prison)